I am a Data Scientist with a passion for predictive AI/ML technologies, application modernization, and Google Cloud.
Experience: Ten years
Languages: English, Spanish
Companies: Cloud, B2B software
Education: MS in Data Science, CUNY, 2026; BA, Boston University
Deployed a predictive model based on 3,000 images with 99.8% accuracy in Vertex AI (Google Cloud .Platform).
Data science project on Kobe Bryant using R: https://rpubs.com/AkeemLawrence/1226061
Codes in Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, R, SQL, and Python with various software engineering projects using restful APIs and popular software frameworks
Personal interests: Run club, NBA basketball and anything outdoors. Feel free to say hi on LinkedIn.
Below are some street photography photos - another hobby and the impetus for my graphic t-shirts e-commerce store.